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TRAI releases recommendations on ‘Inputs for formulation of National Broadcasting Policy-2024’

The MIB has requested TRAI to provide inputs under Section 11 of the TRAI Act, 1997 for the formulation of National Broadcasting Policy.

The TRAI has released recommendations for the National Broadcasting Policy 2024, aiming to boost the Indian economy by facilitating the rapid adoption of technologies, providing an immersive experience for consumers, and safeguarding stakeholder interests. The policy outlines strategies for the sector's development and growth.

It has recommended the following Vision, Mission and Goals for the National Broadcasting Policy-2024.

Vision: To foster a competitive, affordable and ubiquitous ecosystem for sustained growth of the broadcasting sector, catering to the diverse needs of consumers that facilitates quality content creation, promotes democratic values and cultural diversity, enables inclusivity and literacy, attracts investments, safeguards intellectual property, develops resilient indigenous infrastructure, adopts emerging technologies, generates employment and drives socio-economic development through innovation and collaboration for strengthening India’s soft image and positioning ‘Brand India’ globally.

Mission: In pursuit of establishing India a global leader in the broadcasting sector, this policy intends to target broad roadmap for 10 years with special focus on the next 5 years. The National Broadcasting Policy-2024, envisages to achieve the following:

Propelling Growth:

  • Establishing a robust broadcasting ecosystem by enabling growthoriented policies and regulations through data-driven governance.

  • Supporting creation of a resilient, adaptive and tech-agile infrastructure fostering R&D, technology innovation and indigenous manufacturing.

  • Facilitating level-playing field and healthy competition; promoting ease of doing business and stimulating economic growth by enabling the reach of broadcasting services to all, positioning India as an ‘Uplinking Hub’ for television channels, attracting investments, generating employment opportunities and promoting skill development

Promoting Content:

  • Supporting quality content production and distribution for television, radio and OTT broadcasting services, encouraging proliferation of Indian content, both locally and globally, by harnessing the power of emerging broadcasting technologies and making India a ‘Global Content Hub’.

  • Establishing India as a preferred destination for content creation.

  • Enabling quality content production in public service broadcasting to inform, educate and entertain the masses.

  • Promoting and facilitating the growth of Indian content through films, animation, visual effects, gaming, music and state-of-the-art post-production infrastructure.

Protecting Interests:

  • Combating piracy and safeguarding the rights of content creators and intellectual property holders through copyright protection.

  • Fulfilling social responsibilities by ensuring awareness and enabling provisions for disseminating information to all strata of society; and environmental responsibilities through green broadcasting practises and disaster preparedness.


Propelling Growth: Establishing a robust broadcasting ecosystem.

  • Measure sector’s performance based on various key economic parameters to enable data-driven policy decisions,

  • Enable reach and access of television broadcasting services to uncovered households.

  • Enable radio coverage in uncovered areas.

  • Promote manufacturing and adoption of new technologies including indigenous broadcasting technologies and equipment.

  • Employment generation, bolstered up through training and upskilling for providing New Age Skills to the workforce.

  • Encourage innovation-led startups and empower Small and Medium Enterprises.

  • Promote R&D and secure IPR in broadcasting sector.

  • Foster conducive policies and regulatory practices for economic


  • Make India an Uplinking Hub’ of television channels.

  • Leverage digital terrestrial broadcasting as a complimentary broadcasting technology.

  • Establish effective audience measurement and rating system.

Promoting Content: Encouraging Indian content outreach at global stage

  • Establish India as a hub for content creation.

  • Strengthen Public Service Broadcasting.

  • Facilitate content proliferation through Digital Radio Broadcasting.

  • Support growth and proliferation of Indian Content through OTT broadcasting services.

  • Support Indian Content production through films, animation, visual

    effects, gaming and music.

Protecting Interests: Safeguarding rights of content creator and leveraging broadcasting services for protecting socio-environmental interests of the society.

  • Enforce content security through copyright protection.

  • Address social and environmental responsibilities.

  • Recognise the role of broadcaster during disasters.

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