Sakhuja will replace NP Sathyamurthy, executive director, DDB Mudra Group, whose term comes to an end.
MRUC has recently announced the appointment of Vikram Sakhuja, Group CEO, Madison Media and OOH, as chairman of the IRS Technical Committee (TechCom). Sakhuja will replace NP Sathyamurthy, executive director, DDB Mudra Group, whose term comes to an end.
Vikram Sakhuja
Commenting on the development, Ashish Bhasin, chairman, MRUC, says in a press release, "We are very excited at the prospect of Vikram leading the IRS TechCom as we take stronger strides in the direction of further improving the study and making it more robust. IRS surely is in excellent hands. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Sathya for his excellent tenure".
Vikram Sakhuja says, "IRS has been the definitive baseline study for readership and other media measurement for the advertising and marketing industry for decades. It is an honour to chair the Technical Committee of this body. It will be my endeavour to ensure that the data is valid, reliable and beyond reproach."