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MICA and WebEngage launch 'Tech Tonic' course to train students in consumer tech and campaign management

Initiative links traditional marketing theory with data analytics in consumer tech environment.

MICA Ahmedabad introduces 'Tech Tonic - Consumer Tech and Campaign Management' course to train students in Consumer Technology, Retention Marketing, and Campaign Management, reflecting the shift towards prioritising customer retention in marketing strategies.

MICA’s media entertainment and sports management specialisation (MESM) area has collaborated with WebEngage, a MarTech platform and Retention Consultancy suite to offer an eight-session program. This initiative aims to connect traditional marketing theory and the practical application of data analytics in the current consumer tech environment.

Speaking of the collaboration, MICA dean prof. Githa Heggde, said, “Today, data and technology is redefining consumer journeys and experiences. Hence, gaining a deeper understanding of the technologies that are reshaping and reconfiguring consumption experiences, costs and availability of data, analytics and business intelligence in media business becomes imperative. This collaboration with WebEngage acknowledges the growing need for academic programs that reflect the data-driven nature of modern marketing and will equip MESM area students with skills to tackle critical issues.”

Spanning over five weeks, this course will help students delve into challenges faced by massive media platforms in India’s highly competitive market. They will gain deep insights exploring how such platforms analyse customer data, tackle user engagement, communicate effectively across channels, and ultimately acquire users and retain them in this dynamic environment.

Delving into the course structure, MICA prof. Santosh Patra and prof. Anirudh Kalia, from the MESM area said, “Media, both as a vehicle and as businesses, have pivoted sharply from B2B to D2C under the waves of technology. This change makes it imperative for our media, entertainment and sports management specialisation students to learn data in all its nuances, building and managing consumer journeys and tools for engagement and retention. TechTonic - Consumer Tech & Campaign Mgmt is one such course that will equip them with both understanding and tools needed to navigate this better.” “The course curriculum will expose students with in-depth key marketing principles like data-driven campaign planning, customer segmentation, personalisation and hyper-personalisation and retail media measurement”, they added.

Ankur Gattani, chief growth officer, WebEngage, said, “This initiative aligns perfectly with WebEngage's commitment to nurturing future-ready marketing, user engagement and retention professionals. There’s a great demand for talent in this space and I’m excited that MICA is giving the students a head-start into this subject - blending practical knowledge with their academic rigour.”

The course will have experts including Rabe T Iyer, chief media officer, Omnicom Media Group, Ankur Gattani, chief growth officer, WebEngage, and Anand Chakravarthy, chief growth officer, India, Omnicom Media Group share their insights with our students.

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