Shaziya Khan
Guest Article

Dancing to the beat of inclusion: How movement builds stronger teams and brands

The unexpected power of dance in fostering workplace unity and brand connection.

Let's take a moment to remember the joyful chaos of our first dance class: bodies flailing, lungs heaving, and laughter erupting as we attempted to follow a peppy instructor wielding a boombox. Little did we know that this sweaty, giggly mess was teaching us a valuable lesson about inclusion and connection. Join us as we explore how the simple act of moving together is revolutionising workplaces and brands alike.

Buzzwords like "inclusivity" and "diversity" can ring hollow if reduced to manuals and mandatory training. But what if the key to genuine inclusion lies not in PowerPoint presentations but on the dance floor? As companies strive to create supportive work environments and forge meaningful connections with consumers, an unlikely ally has emerged: the universal language of dance.

The inclusivity paradox

Recent data reveals a surprising truth: it's everyday behaviours, not formal initiatives, that make people feel truly included. While the modern business landscape has embraced diversity and inclusion as essential pillars, consistently implementing these values can remain a challenge. Enter dance – a simple yet powerful tool for breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging.

From boardroom to dance floor: A revolution in corporate culture

Imagine being a fresh-faced trainee, nervously anticipating your first interaction with company leadership. Now picture that introduction happening not in a stuffy conference room, but amidst the pulsing beats and swirling lights of a dance floor. This scenario, once a novel approach, is gaining traction as forward-thinking companies recognise the transformative power of shared movement.

One seasoned marketing professional recalls her unconventional induction: "I was introduced to the senior-most leaders of our company on the dance floor. This was a surprise at an office party after a gruelling day-long conference. As usual, the trainees swapped notes with classmates in different companies on their respective inductions – ours was way, way the coolest!"

This "All In" dance floor approach has since evolved into a tradition at numerous organisations. Regular celebrations for anniversaries, milestones, and year-end parties now routinely include everyone from C-suite executives to new hires, administrative staff to tech experts, and even canteen workers and security guards. The result? A tangible sense of unity that transcends job titles and pay grades.

The energy that can't be bottled

Attendees of these dance-centric office gatherings consistently report being struck by the sheer energy exhibited by their colleagues. It's an effervescence that, if bottled, could fuel productivity, bonding, and creativity. While it may not be possible to literally capture this dynamism, companies can certainly harness its power by creating more opportunities for shared movement and celebration.

Beyond the office: Dance as a cultural phenomenon

The impact of dance extends far beyond corporate team-building exercises. Across the globe, movement-based activities are bringing people together in unprecedented ways:

  1. Bollywood boom: In many communities, Bollywood dance classes have become a serious hobby for entire families. These classes, along with wedding celebrations and festive gatherings, serve as platforms for intergenerational bonding and cultural expression.

  1. Exercise revolution: Among fitness enthusiasts, dance-based classes have gained popularity. The appeal lies in its ability to make exercise feel like a party, fostering camaraderie through music and movement. Zumba, a combination of dance and fitness set to upbeat music, has proven to be an enjoyable workout for people of all ages and fitness levels, standing the test of time as a unique and innovative dance fitness programme.

  1. Global initiatives: Even world leaders have recognised the power of dance. Former US First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign utilised dance-based energy to promote fitness and combat childhood obesity.

The data supports this rising trend. Brand Equity India trends for 2024 suggest people are increasingly seeking interesting activity-based therapies, from dancing to art and music. Furthermore, according to Exactitude Consultancy, the global dance studio software market is projected to grow from $2.57 billion in 2023 to $5.61 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 11.8% during the forecast period. This remarkable growth underscores the expanding influence of dance in our lives.

Prompts for brands: Dancing to the consumer's tune

As dance continues to captivate audiences across demographics, savvy brands are taking note. Here are three key takeaways for marketers looking to leverage this trend:

  1. Freedom enablers: Consumers crave windows for self-expression, whether spontaneous or planned. Brands that create opportunities for movement and creativity can tap into this desire for freedom.

  1. Inclusive generational approaches: Dance has a unique ability to bridge gaps – be they gender, age, or cultural divides. Brands can learn from this, developing marketing strategies that unite diverse audiences through shared experiences.

  1. Celebration unifiers: Given the high entertainment value and receptivity to celebratory connections, brands should consider incorporating dance or movement-based elements into their campaigns and events.

The rhythm of belonging

What dancing signifies, whether in professional or personal settings, is an energised shared experience. It doesn't matter if you're gracefully gliding across the floor or stumbling through with two left feet – the power lies in moving together.

As we navigate an increasingly digital world, the shared connection forged through movement becomes even more valuable. For businesses looking to build truly inclusive cultures and for brands seeking to forge lasting emotional bonds with consumers, the message is clear: it's time to embrace music and dance.

In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once." Perhaps it's time for brands to take this advice to heart. The result could be a workplace and marketplace that moves to the rhythm of belonging, one step at a time.

(Our guest author is Shaziya Khan, a brand communication strategist and author of the book "Have Biscut: an ode to sweet everyday moments". She writes for brands to achieve emotional connections rooted in everyday moments.)

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