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X, formerly known as Twitter, officially adopts for all its core systems

The social network previously called Twitter has officially switched to using for all its main systems, as reported by The Verge. This implies that entering in your web browser will lead to Elon Musk's preferred domain, or it is intended to.

At the time of publication, a mix of results are being seen depending upon browser choice and whether you’re logged in or not. A new notification has been added to the bottom of the X login page stating that despite a change in URL, privacy and data protection settings will not be affected.

Elon Musk's rebranding of the company has been made more difficult by the domain transition. Despite X transitioning many elements to the new branding, such as its official account, mobile apps, and subscriptions, the platform's URLs have not changed from since Musk initiated the switch. The alteration of URLs began in August last year, when Verge staff could copy links from within X's iOS app. Last month, Brian Krebs mentioned that the transition has actually benefitted phishing attacks.

Musk has a extensive background with the URL, starting a company with that name in 1999 which later joined forces with the future PayPal. Musk sees this updated version of the company evolving into an all-in-one app similar to WeChat.

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