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Apple rejects Meta's partnership for AI on iPhone: Report

Preliminary discussions occurred during Apple's negotiation for incorporating ChatGPT and Alphabet's Gemini into its products.

Apple Inc. recently turned down Meta Platforms Inc.'s proposal to include their AI chatbot, Llama, in the iPhone, according to Bloomberg. Discussions between the two companies were minimal and never progressed to an official partnership.

Apple is currently focused on incorporating OpenAI's ChatGPT and Alphabet Inc.'s Gemini into their products. The decision not to work with Meta was influenced by Apple's concerns over the social networking company's privacy practices and their belief that ChatGPT is a more advanced option.

Google's collaboration with Apple on Safari search strengthens their partnership, with potential for further cooperation on Gemini. Apple recently introduced their own artificial intelligence capabilities, Apple Intelligence, featuring tools for notifications, voice memo transcription, and personalized emoji creation.

Despite advancements, Apple is seeking collaboration to enhance their chatbot technology, considering options like Anthropic's chatbot. The current agreement with OpenAI allows paying ChatGPT customers to use their subscriptions on iOS, potentially generating revenue for both companies.

Apple and Meta, once collaborators in integrating Facebook into iOS, have become competitors in the AI, smart home, and mixed reality sectors. Apple's Apple Intelligence will be integrated into iPhone, iPad, and Mac operating systems later this year, offering customers a range of chatbot options based on their preferences.

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