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Delhi High Court orders Italian firm to stop selling product similar to 'Amul' branding

Terre Primitive was selling cookies and chocolate-covered biscuits under the name 'Amuleti', which closely resembled Amul's well-established trademark.

In a significant cross-border trademark infringement case, the Delhi High Court has granted an injunction in favour of Amul, an Indian dairy brand, against the Italian company Terre Primitive.

The Italian firm was selling cookies and chocolate-covered biscuits under the name 'Amuleti', which closely resembled Amul's well-established trademark, according to media reports.

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, which markets dairy products under the brand name Amul, filed the lawsuit through counsel Abhishek Singh. Singh argued that Amul, a household name in India and ranked eighth among the world's top dairy organisations, had a significant global reputation.

He contended that Terre Primitive had 'blatantly' copied the script, style, and presentation of Amul, merely by adding the word 'eti' to the mark.

Justice Mini Pushkarna issued an injunction order restraining the Italian firm from using or dealing with any marks identical to 'Amul'. The court also directed the removal of infringing products from the firm's website. Additionally, Meta Inc. has been ordered to block or delete the Italian firm's social media accounts that were promoting the infringing products.

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