afaqs! news bureau

upsurge assigns brand communications mandate to WebX IMS

The agency will be responsible for developing and implementing a range of brand communications strategies, including public relations, content marketing, Influencer marketing support, and more.

WebX Integrated Marketing Solutions, a brand communications agency, has been appointed as strategic communications partner for upsurge.

The mandate was assigned following a multi agency pitch.  

WebX IMS will be responsible for developing and implementing a range of brand communications strategies, including public relations, content marketing, Influencer marketing  support, and more. 

Commenting on the win, Ganesh Kaushik ,partner, WebX IMS, said “We are thrilled to have the  opportunity to work with upsurge and contribute to their success. We look forward to leveraging  our expertise and creativity to help upsurge achieve its marketing and communication goals. We  are excited to embark on this partnership and look forward to the results it will bring". 

"WebX Integrated Marketing stood out to us as the clear choice for our PR and communications  partner due to their track record of success and their ability to deliver results. We are confident  that WebX's experience and expertise will help us effectively communicate our brand message  and values to our target audience” said Karan Baweja, founder and CEO, upsurge. 

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