afaqs! news bureau

MediBuddy’s new campaign honours the unspoken sacrifices of fathers

It encourages children to return the selfless care by prioritising their fathers' health and wellbeing.

MediBuddy, a digital healthcare platform, unveils #DadsKnowItAll ahead of Father's Day. The moving video campaign pays a tribute to fathers and their lifelong devotion to building a better future for their children. It encourages children to return that selfless care by prioritising their fathers' health and wellbeing.

Fathers frequently strike a balance between discipline and love, putting their children's future ahead of their own needs. As they age, it's crucial for them to receive healthy boosts to stay strong and vigorous. Recognising this, MediBuddy's campaign emphasises the importance of integrating proactive healthcare for fathers, in their everyday lives, ensuring they remain healthy and happy.

The campaign narrative captures how a father's tough love, unwavering discipline, and sacrifices shape his children's personalities and futures. Fathers have always ensured we received timely care as children, from routine check-ups to immunisations, safeguarding our health was their top priority. However, as years pass, roles often reverse - prompting children to become the pillars of support for their ageing parents. The campaign video urges the viewers to honour their fathers by taking proactive steps in their healthcare.

Saibal Biswas, SVP and head of marketing, partnerships and PR at MediBuddy, said, "Through this campaign, we wanted to celebrate the profound impact of paternal love while encouraging families to prioritise their fathers' wellbeing. A gentle reminder to all children that our fathers' journeys don't end after raising us. Just as fathers tirelessly built our futures, MediBuddy empowers their children to build healthier years ahead for these unsung heroes through easily accessible medical care. This Father’s Day, we urge children to give their fathers the precious gift of good health."

This campaign is conceptualised and produced by MediBuddy’s in-house creative team. The campaign video is titled #DadsKnowItAll and is 1 minute 18 seconds in duration. The video will be amplified across all social media platforms.

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