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Clinic Plus' new ad is an ode to the daughters who were never wished for

The campaign is conceptualised and executed by Ogilvy Mumbai.

Clinic Plus launched a new campaign, urging society to normalise the wish for a daughter and empowering every expecting mother to proudly say, 'Beti Bann Ke Aana.’

The film sheds light on the persistent societal preference for male child over female, a bias that continues to exist in Indian families today. With the message ‘Beti Bann Ke Aana,’ the film aims to normalise the desire for a girl child, urging families to celebrate and embrace the arrival of daughters.

In a country where the birth of a son is often met with greater celebration, Clinic Plus seeks to challenge this long-standing bias, advocating for a world where every child, regardless of gender, is equally cherished. With its powerful message of ‘Wish for a Girl Child’ or ‘Beti Bann Ke Aana,’ the brand hopes to spark a shift in cultural attitudes, encouraging families to celebrate the arrival of daughters with the same joy and enthusiasm.

Despite the progress our society has made, gender bias remains deeply woven into its fabric. This bias becomes most evident when a woman is expecting a child, especially in families where the expectation of a male child still prevails. Prayers, rituals and even modern customs often focus on ensuring the birth of a boy. This deeply rooted mindset cuts across all socio-economic strata, affecting not just rural or less-educated families but also urban and affluent ones. While the birth of a male child is widely celebrated, the wish for a girl is far less common, reflecting a societal imbalance that persists across generations.

This Daughter’s Day, Clinic Plus is on a mission to ignite conversations that challenge this entrenched social conditioning. By normalising the wish for a girl child, the campaign empowers expecting mothers to proudly say, "Beti Bann Ke Aana," reshaping attitudes and encouraging families to celebrate daughters with the same fervor as they would for a son.

Harman Dhillon, executive director at Hindustan Unilever, and beauty and well-being general manager, Unilever South Asia, stated, “At Clinic Plus, we firmly believe in the strength and limitless potential of every girl. As a brand that has championed the mother-daughter bond for over 35 years, our mission extends beyond product - it’s about driving meaningful, lasting change in society. With Beti Bann Ke Aana, we’re empowering mothers to lead this shift, encouraging society to value and celebrate daughters equally. As India’s most loved shampoo brand, we are committed to using our platform to shape a future where every girl is cherished and empowered.”

Anurag Agnihotri, chief creative officer (West) at Ogilvy India, stated, “People wish for a son. People wish for “just a healthy baby.” But no one ever wishes for a daughter. Clinic Plus, as a brand, stands for inspiring mothers to raise strong daughters. But how can a daughter be strong if she never feels wanted, or wonders if she was better off being a boy? This video is an appeal to all mothers to start wishing for daughters. To make them feel wanted. To make them strong. The thought was so powerful that it truly made us all wonder, how beautiful the world would be if it were filled with daughters.”

With this campaign, Clinic Plus invites everyone to embrace and normalise the wish for a girl child, celebrating the special bond between mothers and daughters.

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