
Cannes Lions secures alternative Festival dates

For now, it will be held as per its original dates from 22 - 26 June. The organisers decided to go ahead after speaking to the French authorities

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New Update
Cannes Lions secures alternative Festival dates

Cannes Lions has released an update regarding the Festival amid growing concern about Covid – 19. The Festival as of now will take place as planned from 22 to 26 June 2020. However, the organisers after consultation with the Mayoral office of Cannes and the French Authorities have secured alternate dates. They are 26 – 30 October 2020.


On continuing the Festival in June, the Festival organisers decided to go ahead after speaking to the French authorities who'd revealed to them that the ongoing ban on gatherings of 1000+ people will be lifted on 15 April.

On whether they will decide to change the festival dates, the statement said, 'We will commit to making a call on this by 15 April at the latest. If we can make the decision before then, we will.'

For those looking to make a Lions entry for 2020, they should follow the existing process and timeline. An announcement will be made if anything were to change about this.

Simon Cook, Managing Director, Cannes Lions said, “As we stand today, all of our plans are proceeding as scheduled and we are still working towards Cannes Lions 2020 taking place as planned on 22 June. However, as the global situation is evolving constantly, we want to be open about our contingency plans. We have consulted with our customers and partners and have prepared accordingly by putting measures in place to allow flexibility, should we need it. As always, the safety of all those involved is our utmost priority, and any decision we take will reflect this.”

Cannes Lions