You’ve got a shot at winning a free Whopper in this.
Burger King (BK) Belgium is following the ongoing Summer Olympics in Tokyo with a keen eye. No, it’s not interested in who’s winning what. It’s more interested in understanding why the athletes bite their medals.
The fast food giant answered its own question in a new campaign for the Tokyo Olympics from Buzzman Paris.
All you need to do is take a screenshot of an athlete biting his/her Olympic medal (live) and share it on social media, using the hashtag #WishItWasAWhopper. You stand to win a free Whopper.
And if the Olympics has inspired you to ditch the ‘fast’ from your food, don’t worry. Burger King, by accident, must have foreseen this situation.
In a BK campaign earlier this year, we saw a gang of anthropomorphic vegetables, christened ‘The Naturals’, alight from a black van and head towards a BK restaurant, baseball bats and hammers in tow. Their aim? Beat up the artificial ingredients called ‘The Artificials’.
Now, this is an event worth participating in, isn’t it?