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Titan rebranded with new logo and communication

Titan will now follow a new tagline, ‘Be More’, conceptualised by Ogilvy India

After 24 years of being in the watch business, the Tata Group’s Titan Industries has decided to give a new brand dimension to its flagship watch range, Titan. The only other time such an extensive rebranding exercise was undertaken for Titan was five years ago, when the ‘What’s Your Style?’ and Aamir Khan campaigns were launched.

In its new avatar, the brand’s logo colours have been changed to red and white (‘Titan’ inscribed in white on a red background). Titan’s new tagline is: ‘Be More’.

This charting of a new course will encompass Brand Titan in its entirety. The reinvention of the brand, in the pipeline for the last eight months, is the result of an extensive study undertaken by Titan in consultation with Future Brands.

Titan rebranded with new logo and communication
The new Titan logo
“Titan has always been about the new: new designs, new advertising, new retail experiences and new advertising,” says Harish Bhat, chief operating officer, watches, Titan Industries. “Over the years, our consumer seeks to express himself in varied ways and is multidimensional. He yearns to be much more, in real life, in his dreams and in his imagination. Our take on the category is that a watch allows for these imaginative travels.” (In fact, this is what led to the creation of the Titan Aviator, a spirited range with designs inspired from World War II fighter aircraft). This change in consumers prompted the brand to take a re-look at itself.

After research and insight mining by Future Brands (led by Santosh Desai, its managing director and chief executive officer), it was discovered that with an explosion of options in the lives of consumers, they can do much more with their lives. Two key insights were arrived at: ‘My watch is an expression of who all I want to be’ and ‘My watch is a compass of my imagination’.

Titan rebranded with new logo and communication
A frame from the new Titan TVC
Titan offers four ranges: Titan Aviator (for those who love flying), Titan Octane (for those who are fascinated by car racing), Titan Raga (the sensual luxury range for women) and Titan Heritage (inspired by cultural/ heritage monuments). “We want our consumers to say they feel like an aviator, or a princess, or anything they want to be, when they wear a Titan on their wrist,” says Bhat. “Hence the tagline, ‘Be More’.”

Santosh Desai says that the new communication goes beyond the prettiness/ stylishness/ adornment factor of a watch. “This is a re-look at the category and the brand,” he emphasises.

Dipping into Titan’s history, he says, “Many years ago, a watch was almost like a functional object that fixed you in your place in life. Titan opened up our options in a graceful way, liberating consumers to express themselves through the kind of watches they wore.”

Ogilvy & Mather Bangalore has conceptualised the new campaign for Titan’s brand personality change, which shows brand ambassador Aamir Khan encouraging people to be ‘born’ every day.

According to Piyush Pandey, chairman, Ogilvy India, and national creative director and vice-chairman, Ogilvy Asia Pacific, “Two decades ago, I had the privilege of viewing the first Titan ad at Ogilvy, when I was a junior employee and could only see it from afar! Since then, I have worked on it personally and I have realised that it’s a very restless brand.”

Pandey says Titan comes up constantly with new designs, packaging and communication, even before one has had one’s fill of the earlier ones. “In Aamir, we found a perfect brand fit five years ago, as this is one man who is also very restless and constantly reinvents himself, leaving his fans craving for more,” he says.

The new communication is aimed at reinforcing that Titan is not just a watch, it’s a state of mind – this is an extension of Titan’s recent campaigns, which talked of different watches for different moods.

Titan plans on spending Rs 15 crore over the next two years to advertise on the ‘Be More’ thought. This includes mass media, below-the-line and other media such as online and retail marketing.

For now, ‘Be More’ is an expression only for the mother brand Titan; whether or not it will filter down to other Titan watch brands such as FasTrack is not known.

For the record, the watch market in India (both organised and unorganised) comprises 40 million watches (Rs 3,000 crore in terms of market size) out of which 15 million watches belong to the organised segment. Titan claims to have a majority market share (65 per cent) of this organised segment.

Over the next 12 months, Titan plans to launch 10 new collections with 25-30 watches in each collection. Further, each retail touch point will contain a ‘Be More’ story about the collection on display.

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