
Honour Killings

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Honour Killings

Brand : Cosmopolitan | Product Group : Magazine | Name of Agency : Leo Burnett Change | City of Agency : | Country Of Agency : | Client : Cosmopolitan | Work type : Client work | Date of publication / release : Jan 19, 2015 | Body copy :

In 2004, a 17-year-old British-Pakistani woman named Shafilea Ahmed was suffocated and murdered by her parents, in front of her siblings, after she refused an arranged marriage.


Her death is referenced clearly and heartbreakingly on limited-edition covers of the February issue of Cosmopolitan magazine in the U.K. to raise awareness about so-called honor killings - in which a person is murdered by a family member for bringing what the killer believes is shame upon the family.

Designed by Leo Burnett Change, this magazine cover features a plastic wraparound encasing an image of a woman appearing to be suffocated. It's part of a campaign for Karma Nirvana, the U.K. charity that helps victims of honor-based violence.

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