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Divya Bhaskar releases book on the Ahmedabad textile industry

Media News

Ahmedabad, May 08, 2009

To mark the completion of 150 years of the textile industry in Ahmedabad, Divya Bhaskar Group released recently released - 'Manchester of East' – a book on the Ahmedabad textile industry.

Divya Bhaskar releases book on the Ahmedabad textile industry
The book, published as part of the group’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, was dedicated to the public by the Union Textile Minister, Shankar Sinh Vaghela and leading industrialists from the textile industry. The book narrates the golden era of the industry in the city of Ahmedabad.

On the occasion of the book release, Vaghela also pointed out that India was able to export embroidery clothing at a price lower than China. He said, "Textile industry in Surat is putting up a tough fight to beat the global recession, as nearly 1.5 lakh diamond workers have joined embroidery units and there has been a boom in the processing houses. Exemption in taxes has facilitated such development and today, the industry can even compete with China."

Professor Makarand Mehta, former professor of History at the Gujarat University, while citing the glorious moments of the Ahmedabad textile industry, said, "While Ahmedabad's population was 1.5 lakh in 1900, nearly 17,000 laborers were earning their bread and butter from the textile mills at that point of time."

Representatives of some of the mills, which have contributed significantly towards the growth of the industry were also honored at the ceremony. Jagdeesh Sharma, Chief Operating Officer, Divya Bhaskar Group, Ajay Umat, Editor, Gujarat, Dharmendra Mishra, Unit Head, Ahmedabad and Mahendra Shah, PRO, Divya Bhaskar were also present at the ceremony.

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