
No smell, no UTIs with PeeBuddy’s latest: Before & After Toilet Spray

The only 2-in-1 solution you need to deodorize and disinfect your toilets before and after use. Ideal for use at home and public toilets, both.

They say, great ideas are born in the toilet, yet every single day, the one issue that can keep you from thinking clearly during the most productive hour of the day is poop smell. To help you make your toilet experience pleasant every day, Sirona, makers of PeeBuddy urination device, has launched “PeeBuddy Before & After Toilet Spray.” This first of its kind toilet spray deodorises the toilet and also disinfects it, making it odour-free and germ-free at the same time.

The product has been launched in the market with a promotional video that addresses this highly prevalent but rarely spoken issue of poop smell in a witty yet impactful way. It also highlights the problems caused by it in our life. PeeBuddy Before & After Toilet Spray aims to revolutionise toilet hygiene in both public and private toilets. When sprayed on the pot before use, it forms a layer on water, preventing any bad odour from arising. Moreover, it also disinfects the toilet seat by killing 99% germs.

The PeeBuddy Before & After Toilet Spray has an ideal use case both at home and outside. At home, it can be sprayed on the seat after use to deodorise and leave the toilet fresh for your roommate/partner. Outside home it has to be sprayed twice - before use to disinfect and after use to deodorise for the next person’s use. It saves you from stinky embarrassment and breaks the vicious cycle of germ transfer from others to you to still others.

Deep Bajaj, founder & CEO of Sirona said, “Toilet time is a short but golden stretch of time in which one can be at total peace to think clearly and even creatively. But poop odour; a common yet hardly addressed issue is a problem yet to be solved. The embarrassment it causes when you get out of the toilet and the next person walks in, is hardly ever spoken of. Taking this into consideration, we have launched India’s 1st Toilet Deodoriser and Disinfectant - PeeBuddy Before and After Toilet Spray with a cool video featuring feisty Shibani Bedi. With this product, we aim to revolutionise toilet hygiene and enable odour-free and germ-free toilets both at home and outside!”

To make it more exciting, the team is also holding a contest in the first week of January where the winner can win a 6-month subscription of the PeeBuddy Before & After Toilet Spray and an exclusive Sirona gift hamper by sharing their “Eureka moment” on the #ThoughtSeat (read: Toilet Seat)! Followers can stay tuned on @sironahygiene to know more.

PeeBuddy before & after Toilet Spray is the latest addition to PeeBuddy’s toilet hygiene portfolio. The brand has also given India its 1st Female Urination Device with PeeBuddy Funnel, which enables women to “Stand & Pee” without having to touch dirty toilet seats. It also offers PeeBuddy Toilet Seat Covers, waterproof and paper-based variants, which help women and men to sit & poop without the fear of infection and UTIs or pee without spilling in public toilets. With these innovative products, PeeBuddy has helped thousands of women to pee or poop at their comfort while doing away with the need to wipe the seat, make chairs or hold it in.

(We got this information in a press release).

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