The animated series revolves around two cousins, Sammy and Raj who possess a unique and mysterious time-altering app.
Nickelodeon has added a new animated series in the dynamic kids’ category. Along with Motu Patlu, Shiva, Rudra, Pinaki & Happy – The Bhoot Bandhus, Chikoo Aur Bunty, Abhimanyu Ki Alien Family and many more, Nickelodeon has released its first co-production with Nickelodeon International- 'The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj' in India. The show will air every Saturday-Sunday at 1pm.
‘The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj’ revolves around the escapades of two cousins, Sammy and Raj who possess a unique and mysterious time-altering app. With the extraordinary ability to pause, rewind and fast-forward time itself, Sammy and Raj embark on a series of amusing adventures as they attempt to tackle various issues. However, their well-intentioned efforts often end up causing chaos and comedic situations. In each episode, Sammy and Raj encounter fresh and entertaining challenges, while utilising their time-altering app to deal with the hurdles.
Speaking on the partnership with Nickelodeon International, Anu Sikka, head – creative, content, and research, Kids TV Network, Viacom18, said, “The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj is a collaborative testament between Nickelodeon International and us to deliver diverse, inclusive top-quality content for our young audiences. Filled with humour, this story of time travel is a fresh and unparalleled addition to our slate.”
Chris Rose, VP of international production and development for Paramount’s Global Kids & Family Group, said, “The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj is the successful result of our partnership with Viacom18. The team in India was key to creating the story line and defining the characters for a kids’ show which gives audiences a taste of Indian culture, while capturing universal storylines that appeal to all audiences.”
(We got this information in a press release.)