

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.


1886: John Pemberton, a pharmacist, invented Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia.
1888: Asa Candler bought the formula and brand, laying the foundation for Coca-Cola's growth.


1893: The introduction of Coca-Cola in bottles.

1915: The iconic contour bottle design was patented.

1928: The creation of the modern Santa Claus image in Coca-Cola advertising.

1982: The launch of Diet Coke, diversifying the product line.

2007: Introducing Coca-Cola Zero, targeting younger demographics.

2020: Focusing on sustainability with the goal to recycle one bottle or can for each sold by 2030.


From a simple beverage in a pharmacy to a global brand present in over 200 countries.
Evolving flavors, packaging, and marketing strategies to adapt to changing consumer preferences and global trends.

Cultural Context:

Coca-Cola has often been linked with American culture, celebrating moments of happiness and togetherness.
It became a symbol of globalization, reaching diverse cultures and adapting its messaging to resonate locally.

Positioning & Brand Values:

Positioned as a refreshing, enjoyable drink associated with happiness and shared moments.
Core values revolve around optimism, happiness, and inclusivity.

Product Design:

The contour bottle, designed in 1915, became an iconic symbol of the brand.
Continual innovation in packaging, introducing cans, plastic bottles, and eco-friendly packaging options.

Visual Evolution:

Coca-Cola's logo has seen minor tweaks but retained its classic red and white color scheme.
Advertising evolved from traditional print media to TV, digital, and social media campaigns.

Successes and Challenges:

Successes: Global expansion, strong brand identity, effective marketing, and a diverse product range.
Challenges: Health concerns related to sugar content, adapting to changing consumer preferences, and market saturation.


Involvement in issues related to water usage in water-stressed areas.
Marketing strategies criticized for targeting children and contributing to health issues related to sugar consumption.

Product Range:

Coca-Cola's portfolio expanded to include various beverages: sodas, waters, energy drinks, teas, and juices.

Competitors in Different Segments:

Competes with PepsiCo in the soda segment.
Faces competition from other brands like Red Bull, Monster, and Gatorade in the energy drink and sports beverage segments.

Revenue Streams & Financials:

Coca-Cola's revenue primarily stems from beverage sales, including carbonated soft drinks, juices, and water.

Diversification of revenue streams through partnerships, sponsorships, and licensing agreements.