
afaqs! Pause - Shriti Malhotra, Group CEO, Quest Retail - The Body Shop India

Here’s a little sneak peek into her workday, leadership mantra, and advice to young professionals.

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afaqs! Pause - Shriti Malhotra, Group CEO, Quest Retail - The Body Shop India

Shriti Malhotra, Group CEO, Quest Retail - The Body Shop India

Shriti Malhotra is a dynamic business leader who brings three decades of business and marketing expertise to her role as Group CEO of Quest Retail - The Body Shop India. Here’s a little sneak peek into her workday, leadership mantra, and advice to young professionals.


The best part of my job is

I'm fortunate to work with brands like The Body Shop, Kiehl's, and Avon on sustainability and empowering women and youth. Through the Youth Collective Council and community impact programs, I align our company with young leaders and connect with nature and local communities. It's rewarding to see our teams and customers embrace our purpose for grassroots change.

My leadership mantra

To be a winning leader, who can set a positive example for others, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win!

My role model

Anita Roddick; the trailblazing founder of The Body Shop. She was disruptive, true to her principles, and challenged the status quo. Her vision changed how business is done and continues to inspire millions worldwide. Building a business with real social impact, she proved that profit and purpose can coexist, charting an extraordinary path for growth.

My advice to young professionals

Curiosity, hunger to learn, and hard work. Always put your hand up for new challenges, keep an eye out for mentors who you can learn from, and never stop asking questions. In the end, it’s the commitment and speed to put the learning into action that matters. That will create a real impact.

Planning my next holiday to

A complete road trip across India! India has such diversity, breathtaking destinations, and vibrant communities. As a nature enthusiast and a history buff, I want to experience the adventure that is India.

A recent ad campaign I liked

Nike’s recent Am I a Bad Person? campaign stands out for me. It's raw, provocative, and a bold departure from Nike’s usual playbook. It powerfully captures that ambition, relentless focus, and difficult choices are the price of greatness. It is a powerful reminder that success isn’t always about being liked but about achieving extraordinary results.

Shriti Malhotra The Body Shop