Savia Jane Pinto

Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’

Videocon’s latest corporate commercial features both its brand ambassadors, actor Shah Rukh Khan and cricketer MS Dhoni, urging you to play it big

Videocon has launched its latest corporate film, which features both of its brand ambassadors, actor Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) and cricketer MS Dhoni. The commercial, created by O&M, adheres to the style of the 1970s, which seems to be the flavour of the season.

Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
Brothers at the fair
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
Picked by crickety
and filmy families
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
Drinks, eats and
sleeps cricket
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
Dhoni - the superstar
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
SRK - the superstar
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
Videocon aims for the youth with a ‘70s show’
The world loves V
SRK has been with the Videocon brand for nearly eight years now; he is believed to be close to the Dhoot family, which owns the brand. Dhoni became brand ambassador about a year ago. Both brand ambassadors haven’t been featured together in an ad till now. According to Shekhar Jyoti, vice-president, marketing, Videocon, India’s commendable performance in the recent Twenty20 series under the captaincy of Dhoni and the success of SRK’s Diwali release, ‘Om Shanti Om’, encouraged them to cash in on the popularity of the two icons.

The film, shot in typical 1970s movie style, opens on a frame of two small boys at a fair. Each wants something different and they get separated from each other. In typical Bollywood style, the boy with the curly locks (obviously representing Dhoni) is adopted by a ‘filmi’ family, while the other boy goes into a household obsessed with cricket. Right from the ‘howzzat’ of cricket to the cruel mother-in-law of Hindi cinema, the two households are ridden with ‘filmi’ clichés. In short, the families eat, drink and sleep cricket and films.

Both boys grow up to be heroes in their own right. One is a Bollywood superstar (Dhoni) and the other is the captain of the Indian cricket team (SRK). And as all stars in India endorse brands, so do these two. At a shoot for another endorsement, they recognise each other as both of them are wearing a V locket (Videocon’s logo). There is a total Manmohan Desai scene when the brothers recognise each other. The entire nation celebrates the reunion of the two brothers by wearing a V locket. The highly dramatised ad ends with the voiceover: ‘Whatever role life gives you, play it big.’ (Submit your opinion on this ad.)

“We were looking for a single weave in SRK, MS Dhoni and Videocon,” says Sumanto Chattopadhyay, executive creative director, O&M. The commonality was the humble beginnings of all three. SRK became the biggest star in filmdom without any industry connections; Dhoni also is a small town boy who made it big through sheer hard work and talent. In the same way, Videocon grew to become one of the first Indian multinationals through grit and perseverance.

Videocon aims to appeal to the youth with its latest corporate commercial, which is contrary to its previous strategy of appealing to an older target audience. Bollywood and cricket became the natural backdrops for the film because, according to Pushpendra Mishra of Flying Saucers, who directed the film, these are the two things that keep India ticking.

The film was shot days before the release of ‘Om Shanti Om’ and SRK has lent his voice as the narrator of the film. The ad took about four days to shoot.

Videocon has very interesting plans, says Jyoti. He says, “Currently, we are focusing only on the recent TVC that was launched.” The initial version will be a 90 seconder, followed by 60 second and 30 second versions. The commercial will also play in PVR cinemas. Radio Mirchi is partnering with Videocon to run contests. The contest entails the participants dressing up like either SRK or Dhoni and answering a few trivia questions. Also included will be a glimpse on what is the youth’s view to playing the roles that life throws at you in keeping with Videocon’s corporate thought.

In other arenas, posters, table calendars and even the V locket will be part of the media mix. The Internet, too, will be employed. Talks are on with Rediff, Yahoo! and Zapak for games and contest based on the TVC.

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