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Media Briefs

Nimbus Motion Pictures enters into a strategic alliance with Rajesh Thadani

Media Release, November 21

New Delhi

Nimbus Motion Pictures has entered into a strategic alliance with movie distribution entrepreneur Rajesh Thadani to setup in the Mumbai circuit. With its eye on an ultimately nationwide network exploiting the fundamental monetary mechanisms of acquisition of rights, print publicity and advertising, Nimbus Motion Pictures has announced its role as distributor for Mukesh Bhatt's Kalyug.

Talking about the film, Mr. Viveck Vaswani, Group consultant, Nimbus Motion pictures said, "Kalyug is our first foray into the motion pictures distribution segment. We strongly believe that Kalyug's content and our efficient corporate distribution model make for a winning combination. We here at Nimbus are upbeat about our aggressive target of distributing 12

movies per annum over the next fiscal year."

Viveck Vaswani, also renowned for his talent-launching ability, added, "I am very upbeat about Kunal Khemu. I genuinely feel that he is the face of future."

The movie's title is a reference to the division of time in Hindu mythology,Kalyug being the bottom of the barrel in terms of human morality. Fittingly,it offers a candid view of an ordinary man's life and interplay with the extraordinarily "sinister" elements of society. The film is about a young and vulnerable couple who get trapped in a web of violence, intrigue and the pornographic mafia, it is the story of Kunals journey to hell and back. Topical, contemporary, stylish, edgy and controversial, Kalyug will emerge as the face of the new cinema of 2006.

Announcing the deal, Mr. Mukesh Bhatt, Producer, Kalyug, said "It is a socially relevant film, based on factual incident rampant all over the country. It is about technology, multimedia and the survival of the fittest - one man's exploitation is another's entertainment!" He also added,

"Kalyug cinematically takes the war against pornography across borders into Zurich and Amsterdam - taking the bull by the horns."

For more information please contact:

Pooja Rekhi

Priya Rao

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