Times Group enters into the educational sector
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Times Group enters into the educational sector

Titled TimesPro, it will have learning centres in Mumbai, Noida, Jaipur, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar.

The Times of India Group recently forayed into the education sector, with the launch of the Times Centre for Learning. As part of this venture, the group has now launched TimesPro, a learning centre that will offer professional courses.

It may be noted that recently, the HT Media Group also entered into the education sector in partnership with Apollo Global Inc., the largest for-profit college in the US, with the launch of a business school that targets the corporate sector. The two formed an equal partnership joint venture (JV) titled India Education Services. The JV's flagship institution is called Bridge School of Management, currently at a concept stage.

Times Group enters into the educational sector
TimesPro will offer graduation courses in BFSI (banking and financial industry), media, organised retail, hospitality and healthcare. Its flagship programme, Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Management, has been launched today, June 24, and will cater to the rising demand for skilled graduates in the banking industry that is expected to be created by the influx of private banks in the coming years due to the amendments made by RBI.

Times Centre for Learning has set up TimesPro centres across Mumbai, Noida, Jaipur, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar. The company will leverage the group's existing resources, knowledge base and technology expertise to provide a practical learning experience.

In an official communiqué, Vineet Jain, managing director, Times Group, says, "TimesPro through its unique and modern training programmes will provide the industry with graduates having relevant professional skill sets. These programmes will also make graduates more employable and job-ready.''

TimesPro courses will be designed and delivered by industry experts with experience across industry and academia. The primary objective of TimesPro is to create and deliver high-involvement career-oriented courses that enhance the skill-sets of graduates to the levels required of a professional.

It may be noted that recently, the HT Media Group also entered into the education sector in partnership with Apollo Global Inc., the largest for-profit college in the US, with the launch of a business school that targets the corporate sector. The two formed an equal partnership joint venture (JV) titled India Education Services. The JV's flagship institution is called Bridge School of Management, currently at a concept stage.

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